EEYF sites

Ministry of Science
and Higher Education
of the Russian Federation
and Higher Education
of the Russian Federation

Free Economic Society
of Russia Ural Branch
of the FES of Russia
of Russia Ural Branch
of the FES of Russia

and Government
of the Sverdlovsk Region
and Government
of the Sverdlovsk Region

Regional Fund
for Supporting
Eurasian Youth Initiatives
for Supporting
Eurasian Youth Initiatives

Federal Agency
for Youth Affairs
for Youth Affairs

Ural Chamber
of Commerce and Industry
of Commerce and Industry
Universities partners

Peoples' Friendship
University of Russia
University of Russia

Financial University
under the Government
of the Russian Federation
under the Government
of the Russian Federation

Moscow State Institute
of International Relations
of International Relations

Pushkin State Russian
Language Institute
Language Institute

Diplomatic Academy
of the Russian Foreign Ministry
of the Russian Foreign Ministry

Lomonosov Moscow
State University
State University

Ural State
Media partners