Grand opening of the XIV EEYF

Theme XIV EEYF “Russia-Eurasia-the World. Integration-Development-Perspective” brought together over 17 thousand people from 114 countries. Among them are schoolchildren, university students, young scientists, diplomatic officials, rectors and vice-rectors of leading universities in Russia and the CIS countries, representatives of leading media.

The participants of the plenary session were welcomed by USUE rector Yakov Silin:
“We are forming long-term friendly relations with those states and peoples with whom we have a common understanding of the future and with whom our values coincide. The EEYF provides a unique opportunity for scientists and experts, specialists and practitioners, representatives of the business community, and government authorities to discuss the opportunities of integration.”

Plenipotentiary ambassadors, cultural attachés, rectors and vice-rectors of leading universities in Russia and the CIS countries took part in the opening ceremony of the XIV EEYF.  However, the key figures of the forum are talented young people from all continents.

“Ahead of you, there is a productive dialogue, exchange of experience and best practices. In Russia, to support youth is a priority of state policy. Our focus is on creating conditions that enable the new generation to realize their potential. Youth energy, enthusiasm and desire for knowledge make the world a better place!” Boris Kirillov, Deputy Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Ural Federal District, emphasized.

Deputy Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region Vasily Kozlov also addressed the participants with a welcoming speech:
“The Sverdlovsk region strives to ensure that its center, Yekaterinburg, becomes a truly student capital of Russia. I am convinced that the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum will go in a creative manner and will allow us to establish new useful contacts at the international level.”

Metropolitan of Yekaterinburg and Verkhoturye Yevgeny reminded the participants about the importance of receiving education and spiritual and moral upbringing:
“I wish all of you to keep traditional moral values at your universities, countries, continents. Only together we can make this world kinder, brighter, and cleaner!”

Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Eritrea to Russia, H. E. Petros Tseggai Asgedom summed up the interim results of cooperation between Russia and African countries. “Russia and Eritrea are comprehensively strengthening ties in many sectors. Cultural exchange is actively taking place; Eritrean citizens are studying at universities in the Sverdlovsk region. Only together we can reach a higher level! Let’s work together to create an innovative future!”

Besides, welcoming addresses to Yekaterinburg were sent by Sergei Bodrunov, the President of the Free Economic Society of Russia, Alexander Pankin, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, and Yevgeny Primakov, the head of the Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad, and International Humanitarian Cooperation.


The plenary meeting of the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum ended with a festive concert, with creative groups of the Ural capital who greeted guests of Yekaterinburg from 114 countries.