Registration is open!

Registration for the XV Eurasian Economic Youth Forum for guests, experts, diplomatic envoys, media executives, rectors and vice-rectors has opened today.

Earlier, the organizing committee announced a competition for the best theme of the EEYF. Dozens of proposals were received from all over Russia, including from students and teachers of Ural State University of Economics.

They proposed various topics concerning global dialogue, the power of unity, and digital transformation. The organizing committee combined all these topics into one. “Eurasian Synergy: Multipolarity – Integration – Dialogue of Civilizations”– this is the theme of the XV EEYF.

 The organizing committee will award the authors of the best proposed themes. The winner of the competition was Yulia Kostareva. The girl proposed two themes: “Eurasian Dialogue: Economy and Global Changes” and “Eurasian Dialogue: Economy and Multipolar World”. She will receive a smart speaker as a prize. The forum organizers will contact her soon.

Egor Sirotkin, a first-year USUE student, received second place. A special prize for originality and diversity of topics was adjudged to a USUE fourth-year student, Ekaterina Kuts. She proposed 10 themes, including “EEYF - Strength in Unity”, “We Make Our History” and “EEYF - It Is for Love”.

Ekaterina says that it took her just a couple of minutes to think over the topics: “As the head of the volunteer center, I could not stay away from this event. EEYF is probably the most significant event at our university, and I consider it my duty to take part in it. I suggested the themes that I would like to see myself. They relate to family, because this year is the year of family. For me, EEYF implies unity, just like family. And I would be interested in taking part and organizing an event associated with such themes.”

The jubilee Eurasian Economic Youth Forum will be held on April 21-25, 2025. Registration is available on the main page of the forum. Last date for applications acceptance is March 20.