Diplomats’ Forum

As part of the XIV EEYF, an international diplomats’ forum was held at Ural State University of Economics. About 40 representatives from countries in Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, and Africa took part in it. Its topic was “Russia, Eurasia, the World: Economic Sovereignty and International Cooperation.”

The forum of diplomats began with the donation of books brought by representatives of Uruguay, Mexico, Burundi, Sri Lanka, Eritrea, Ecuador, Colombia, Namibia, and Kenya for the USUE library, as well as for compatriot students who are studying at USUE today. These are books on diplomacy, economics, law, politics and sociology, many of which were written by the donors themselves.

“Both students of our university and students of other universities can use these books,” USUE rector Yakov Silin assured. “Perhaps such donation will become a good tradition of EEYF in the future. Several years ago, it was founded by our colleagues from Kazakhstan, who presented us with the complete works of the great philosopher and writer of their country, Chingiz Aitmatov.”

The representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry in Yekaterinburg, Alexander Kharlov, supported this idea, noting that the younger generation of diplomats is studying today using the donated publications. He noted that there are sesqui-dozen consulates in Yekaterinburg: “The regions of the Ural Federal District and Perm Krai, are our area of responsibility. This is 11% of the population and 13% of the territory of all of Russia. It is a center of metallurgy, mechanical engineering, oil and gas industries. It is quite natural that our foreign partners have always considered Yekaterinburg as the location of their consulates general. Over a quarter of a century of my international activity, I have realized that the main thing is maximum trust between countries. Each state has its own interests, but honest partners always voice them.”

Deputy Governor of the Sverdlovsk region, Vasily Kozlov, conveyed greetings to the diplomats from the head of the region, Yevgeny Kuyvashev: “The region of Middle Urals is one of the leaders in Russia in terms of international relations and foreign business partners. Every year new items for cooperation appear, including culture, sports, and education. The Eurasian Economic Youth Forum has become a trademark of Yekaterinburg. This summer, Yekaterinburg will once again host the international exhibition INNOPROM with the United Arab Emirates as its partner, and in the fall - the World Friendship Games.”

As Petros Tseggai Asghedom, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Eritrea to Russia said, Yekaterinburg is a wonderful and hospitable city, and student life is the happiest time in a person’s life. The independence of state economies in the context of globalization is not a matter of politics but a matter of national security, a key factor in the stability and prosperity of our countries. Each country strives to make its own economic decisions, without depending on external pressure. And for this we need to take appropriate measures: develop science and education, introduce innovations, support small and medium-sized businesses, strengthen international ties with friendly countries. He is confident that in the coming years we will see active development of tourism between Eritrea and Russia.  According to him, today, when a different world order is being built, many countries and peoples of Africa have hope for the future.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Namibia to the Russian Federation, Clemens Handuukeme Kashuupulwa, noted that Russia has enormous competencies in the energy sector. Namibia is interested in training its students in Russian universities in natural resource management. The country is rich in natural resources, but there are a lot of omissions and shortcomings in their extraction, processing and energy production. He also expressed the opinion that Namibia has every chance of becoming a popular destination for Russian tourists.

Vice-Rector for International Activities of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Larisa Efremova, touched upon the topic of developing international cooperation. It will have the most perceptible effect in such industries as gas, coal and oil production, metallurgy, mechanical engineering, agriculture, and electricity production. Using the example of the Eurasian Economic Union, Larisa Efremova also named measures to improve the economy of the EAEU member countries (Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia). First of all, this is customs regulation, making of new logistics chains, creation of conditions for the easy movement of citizens (within the Union), and the stimulation of mutual investments. In addition, it is important to expand the use of national currencies for settlements in mutual trade.

Concluding the event, Yakov Silin said: “The USA and the countries of the so-called collective West strive to dominate the world, but doing so is pointless. Most states today have developed a need for fairness and balance. However, a unipolar world will always be unstable, so it is a losing battle.”

The XIV Eurasian Economic Youth Forum takes place from April 22 to April 26, 2024. Its theme is “Russia-Eurasia-the World. Integration-Development-Perspective". The total number of participants is 17,098 people. This is an absolute record for the entire period of the youth forum.