International competition of scientific research works «Problems of state building and citizens’ rights»
Savoskin Alexander Vladimirovich Scientific director of the competition, Doctor of Law Sciences, Head of the Department of Constitutional and International Law, USUE
The international competition of scientific research works of students “Problems of state building and citizens’ rights” is held by the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Ural State University of Economics” (USUE) within the framework of the XIV Eurasian Economic Youth Forum.
The purpose of the Competition is to increase students' interest in their chosen profession and stimulate research activities in the field of public administration and law.
Competition objectives:
- identify the analytical potential of young lawyers, economists and managers;
- stimulate the process of exchange of knowledge, ideas, experience in using mechanisms of legal regulation of public relations;
- ensure the integration of youth science with the global research environment;
- develop skills in conducting comparative legal research, developing recommendations for improving legislation .
Directions of the Competition:
- Problems of state building.
- Problems of citizens' rights.
Participants in the Competition are students of educational organizations, academic institutes and other interested organizations in Russia and foreign countries under the age of 35. Works prepared by young scientists - graduate students and candidates of sciences - are not accepted for the competition.
Completed works performed individually or collectively (in teams of up to 3 people) are submitted to the competition.
Applications for participation in the Competition, competition works and abstracts of work must be submitted before March 21, 2025 through the site registration system:
– an individual participant submits an application through the site’s registration system, selecting the “individual participation” category
– team participation. Each team member submits an application for participation through the site’s registration system. One of the team members registers as the “team captain” and attaches the work and abstract of the work to their registration form. The remaining participants are registered as “team member”. The first file they attach is a file with the title of the work and a list of authors, the second file may be empty.
Lists of competition finalists invited to defend their works in person and to participate in the final events of the Forum will be published on the competition page c 1 to 10 April 2025.
The in-person defense will take place on April 23, 2025 from 10:30 to 15:30, awarding on April 24, 2025.
Participation in the Competition is also possible using remote technologies - registered participants and experts receive access to USUE cloud resources based on the MS Office 365 platform and connect to interactive sessions during events through teams created in Microsoft Teams
The winners and runners-up of the Competition are awarded diplomas, orders and cash prizes:
- 15,000 rubles - for 1st place
- 10,000 rubles - for 2nd place
- 5,000 rubles - for 3rd place
The winners of the Competition, awarded a 1st degree Diploma, are awarded points for individual achievements when admitted to study at USUE in master's programs (2 points).
Based on the results of the final events, it is planned to release a collection of materials from the XIV EEYF, where the abstracts of the Competition finalists will be posted. The collection will be posted in the RSCI and on the website of the Ural State University of Economics at the link.