International Competition «Business Factory»

Yalunina Ekaterina Nikolaevna Scientific Director of the "Business in Russia" department

Matveeva Alla IvanovnaScientific Director of the Creative Business Management department
Izbosarov Boburzhon BakhriddinovichScientific Director of the International Business Department


The Competition is held within the framework of the Congress of Strategists of the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum (hereinafter EEYF) and is implemented at the main site of the EEYF - the Ural State University of Economics (hereinafter USUE site), as well as at foreign and regional sites of the EEYF that have chosen this Competition. The list of foreign and regional sites that have chosen this Competition is indicated on the Competition page of the Congress of Strategists of the EEYF website, as well as on the pages of the foreign/regional sites themselves on the EEYF website. 

The purpose of the Competition is to develop youth entrepreneurship by providing advisory, organizational and methodological support to young people in developing their own business projects (business ideas), as well as to determine the extent to which the Competition participants are able to clearly and convincingly demonstrate the effectiveness of their own business projects or the feasibility of business ideas, including in the context of developing business cooperation between business structures of the Russian Federation and business structures of foreign countries. 

Competition objectives:

  1. To increase the level of interest of young people in economic sciences and in developing business projects (business ideas) in economics and related fields.
  2. To develop personal responsibility in the younger generation for the state and condition of affairs in the socio-economic sphere and awareness of their role and place in the socio-economic development of their native country.
  3. To identify potential personnel whose projects are valuable for the economy and interesting for potential employers. 

Participants of the competition are students of colleges, technical schools, higher educational institutions, postgraduate students, applicants for an academic degree, young researchers of universities under 35 years of age. In-person participation is envisaged, including as part of teams from organizations, educational institutions, regardless of the field of activity and position. Teams consist of up to 10 people. 

Registration of participants and submission of competition documentation is carried out simultaneously, until March 20, 2025:

1) Applications for participation in the competition are submitted by all participants, including each team member, through the registration system of the site;

2) Lists of team members in the form of separate files with the extension .doc or .docx are sent to the competition coordinator at 

Full-time defense will take place on April 23rd, 2025 from 10:30 to 15:00, awarding on April 24th, 2025  from 15.30 to 17:00. 

The competition schedule for April 23, 2025:

  • 09:00-10:00 – registration of participants;
  • 10:00-10:30 – presentation of the expert committee and instructions on the Competition procedure;
  • 10:30-11:30 – preparation and completion by participants of competition tasks on the development and implementation of business ideas;
  • 11:30-13:30 – public defense of business projects (business ideas). Defense time - up to 7 minutes;
  • 13.30-14.00 — summing up the results of the business projects (business ideas) defenses by the expert committee;
  • 14.00-14.30 — announcement and awarding of the winners. 

The winners and prize-winners of the Competition are awarded with diplomas and cash prizes:

  • 1st place - 15 thousand rubles.
  • 2 nd place - 10 thousand rubles.
  • 3 rd place - 5 thousand rubles. 

The winners of the Competition, awarded with the Diploma of the 1st degree, are awarded points for individual achievements when admitted to study at USUE in bachelor's programs (accelerated training according to individual curricula - graduates of colleges, technical schools) - 5 points; in master's programs - 2 points.



Dubrovskikh Anna Vitalievna
+7 (343) 283-11-91