International competition for educational institutions of secondary vocational education «ProfCOD: professional competencies, responsibility, achievements in the field of industry and trade»
Pliska Olga Vladimirovna Ыcientific supervisor of the competition
The international competition for educational institutions of secondary vocational education " ProfCOD: professional competencies, responsibility, achievements in the field of industry and trade" is held by the Ural State University of Economics (USUE).
The purpose of the competition is to develop and improve the professional training of students, increase the level and quality of student training in the interests of developing the personality and its creative abilities, creating favorable conditions conducive to the manifestation of professional and educational achievements by students, motivating them to master general and professional competencies that meet the demands of the modern market labor, the development of creative initiative of students, the development of responsibility and professional mobility.
Participants of the competition: students of secondary vocational educational institutions studying in the field of industry and trade.
Applications for participation in the competition are accepted until March 20th, 2025 through the registration system of the site.
The competition is held in two stages.
Stage 1. Qualifying round. Preparing a poster and its expert evaluation.
Participants prepare a poster on one of the following topics:
- "Eurasian Synergy: Multipolarity – Integration – Dialogue of Civilizations".
- "Russia – a country with a Quality Mark. Development Horizons".
- "Shared vision for a better world".
- "Industrial activity: professional competencies, responsibility, achievements".
- "Trading activities: professional competencies, responsibility, achievements".
Qualifying round is held in remote form in the period from March 24th to April 1st 2025.
The lists of the finalists of the competition invited to the final round will be published on the competition page until April 10th, 2025.
Stage 2. Final stage - Game "ProfCODE" - team game "Professional competencies in the field of industry and trade ", in which participants (teams of 5 finalists).
The final round is held in person at USUE on April 23rd , 2025, rewarding of participants - April 24th, 2025
All participants of the competition will receive a certificate of participation.
The winner and prize winners of the Olympiad receive diplomas of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree, as well as gifts from the Competition partners