International competition of scientific research works of young scientists and students «The theory of noonomy as the key to the study of the 21st century socio-economic transformations»

Bodrunov Sergey Dmitrievich Chairman of the expert commission of the competition, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, President of the Free Economic Society of Russia, President of the International Union of Economists, Director of the Institute of New Industrial Development named after S.Yu. Witte, Honorary Professor of USUE, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Svetlana Grigorievna PyankovaScientific director of the competition,Doctor of Economics, deputy head of the Scientific and Educational Center “Noonomy”, deputy head of the Sverdlovsk regional public organization of the Free Economic Society of Russia, professor of the department of regional, municipal economics and management of the Ural State Economic University, Advisor to the State Civil Service of the Sverdlovsk Region, 1st class


The international competition of research works of young scientists and students “The theory of noonomy as the key to the study of the 21st century socio-economic transformations” is held by the Ural State University of Economics (Ural State University of Economics) with the support of the Institute of New Industrial Development named after. S.Y.Witte, All-Russian public organization “Free Economic Society of Russia”, Sverdlovsk regional public organization “Free Economic Society of Russia”.

The purpose of the Competition: the formation of management and research competencies among students, undergraduates and young scientists under 35 years old in the theory of noonomy, the promotion and development of heterodox knowledge in the field of the theory of noonomy.

Participants of the Competition: students, undergraduates, graduate students, applicants for an academic degree, young researchers at universities, academic institutions in Russia and foreign countries aged 18 to 35 years .

Research works for the Competition can be sent from individual participants and groups of up to 3 people.

Competitive competitions will be held separately in two categories of participants:

First category: undergraduate and graduate students;

Second category: young scientists under 35 years of age (graduate students, degree candidates, researchers at universities and academic institutes). 

Scientific directions of the Competition:

  1. “Noo” principles of forming a way to meet people's needs;
  2. Dialectics of simulative and non-simulative needs;
  3. Development of human qualities as a basic need in society;
  4. Increasing the knowledge intensity of production and knowledge of the intensity of its processes;
  5. The role of knowledge and the process of cognition in human activity and the formation of needs;
  6. Transition to NIO 2 and shifts in the employment structure;
  7. Integration of production, science and education;
  8. NIO 2 and trends in the development of material production.

Applications for participation in the Competition, competition works and abstracts of work must be submitted until March 20, 2024 through the site registration system:

  • an individual participant submits an application through the site’s registration system, selecting the “individual participant” category;
  • group participation. Each group member submits an application for participation through the site’s registration system, selecting the “team captain” or “team member” category. In the “Topic of work” field, everyone indicates the name of their project. The team captain attaches a file with the project and a file with abstracts of the work to the registration form, where all authors are indicated. A team member can attach empty files to complete registration.

Lists of competition finalists invited to defend their works in person and to participate in the final events of the Forum will be published on the competition page April 1 to April 10, 2024

The in-person defense will take place on April 24, 2024 from 10:30 to 15:30, awarding on April 25, 2024.

The final will be held in person; in some cases, by decision of the competition organizing committee, remote participation is possible.

Registered participants and experts gain access to USUE cloud resources based on the MS Office 365 platform and connect to interactive sessions during events through teams created in MicrosoftTeams.

Winners and runners-up for each category of participants in the Competition are awarded diplomas, medals and cash prizes:

  • 15,000 rubles – for 1st place;
  • 10,000 rubles – or 2nd place;
  • 5,000 rubles – for 3rd place.

The winners of the Competition, awarded a 1st degree Diploma, are awarded points for individual achievements when admitted to study at USUE in master's programs (2 points).

Based on the results of the final events, it is planned to release materials from the XIV EEFM, where the abstracts of the Competition finalists will be posted. The materials will be posted in the RSCI and on the website of the Ural State Economic University

Additional Information:

What is noonomy?

“The “Noo” in the word “noonomy” has a root, “ancient Greek” meaning, meaning “noos”. The Greek word noos is mind, but not just mind itself as an abstract concept. Whether something is reasonable or unreasonable is always based on a certain criterial base, which we have already discussed. When we talk about noonomy, we mean certain special principles based on “noo” for the formation of a way to satisfy people’s needs, normal, non-simulative needs. Just as economics is a way of managing in an economic society, noonomy is a way of managing in a noo-society. At the same time, noo-society is not a noosphere, not an abstract “noospheric society”, it is a society whose material basis for its existence and satisfaction of people’s needs is noonomy. The second part of the term noonomy is “nomos”. Nomos is an ancient concept that also has Greek roots; in philosophy of the first third of the 20th century. it was used to designate the basic principle of organization of any space, the universal law, the absolute law of the existence of all things. Thus, this is law, order, way of life, the principle of economic organization, management, management. Hence: noonomy is a way of satisfying needs in a society where there is, in the words of Metropolitan Hilarion, “the light of reason”; where there is no relation to production and production relations; where there is no relation to property and property relations; where there is no economy and where economy is impossible as a way to meet people's needs. Therefore, the interpretation of noonomy as a “noospheric economy” that is sometimes found in publications does not make sense. The basis of noonomy is a non-economic type of satisfaction of human needs, which will be formed through a new quality of production, where a person will become, in accordance with the brilliant vision of Karl Marx, “beyond material production itself” and where, in connection with this, economic relations between people will be removed.”

Excerpt from the publication: Bodrunov S.D. Noonomy as a model of social structure: prerequisites for its emergence, essence, mechanism of formation / Water lecture for the training course “General Theory of Noonomy” / S.D. Bodrunov. – SPb.: INIR im. S.Yu. Witte, 2020. – 39 p.

Recommended literature for preparing competitive works:

  1. Bodrunov S.D. Noonomy / Monograph / - M.: Cultural Revolution, 2018. – 432 p.
  2. Bodrunov S.D. General theory of noonomy / Textbook / - M.: Cultural Revolution. 2019. – 504 p.
  3. Bodrunov S.Yu. Noonomy: trajectory of global transformation / Monograph / - M.: INIR; Cultural revolution, 2020. – 214 p.
  4. Bodrunov S.D., Glazyev S.Yu. Regularities of formation of the foundations of noonomy as a future social order: know and act. – SPb.: INIR im. S.Yu. Witte; M.: Tsentrkatalog, 2023. – 340 p.
  5. Strategizing the transformation of society: knowledge, technology, noonomy / V.L. Quint, S.D. Bodrunov / Monograph/. - SPB., INIR im. S.Yu. Witte, 2021. - 351 p.
  6. A (O)itology of noonomy: the fourth technological revolution and its economic, social and humanitarian consequences / under. total ed. S.D. Bodrunova. St. Petersburg: INIR, 2021. - 388 p.
  7. On the way to noonomy: man, technology and society in the space of associated production and consumption / ed. A.V. Buzgalina, A.I. Kolganov. M.: INIR im. S.Yu. Witte. 2020. – 490 p.


Bodrunov Sergey DmitrievichChairman of the expert commission of the competition, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, President of the VEO of Russia, President of the International Union of Economists, Director of the Institute of New Industrial Development named after S. Y. Witte, Honorary Professor of USUE, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Pyankova Svetlana Grigorievnaсco-chairman of the expert commission of the competition, deputy head of the Scientific and Educational Center "Noonomika", deputy head of the Sverdlovsk regional public organization of the Free Economic Society of Russia, professor of the department of regional, municipal economics and management of the Ural State Economic University, Doctor of Economics, adviser to the state civil service of the Sverdlovsk region 1 class of the Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg
Zolotarev Alexander AnatolievichVice President of the VEO of Russia, Chairman of the Personnel Committee of the VEO of Russia, member of the Presidium of the International Union of Economists, Executive Director of the Institute of New Industrial Development named after S.Y. Witte, Ph.D. RF, St. Petersburg
Sadykov Ruslan RafilievichMember of the Presidium and Board of the SROO VEO of Russia, Minister of Economy and Territorial Development of the Sverdlovsk Region. RF, Ekaterinburg
Besedin Andrey AdolfovichDeputy Head of the SROO VEO of Russia, President of the Ural Chamber of Commerce and Industry, member of the Public Chamber of the Municipal Formation "Ekaterinburg City", Ph.D. Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg
Misyura Andrey VasilievichGeneral Director of the Middle Urals Development Corporation JSC, Deputy Chairman of the Public Chamber of the Municipal Formation "Ekaterinburg City", Ph.D. Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg
Dolgov Alexey SergeevichPresident of the Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Chairman of the Audit Commission of the SROO VEO of Russia, member of the Public Board of the municipal formation "Ekaterinburg", member of the Public Chamber of the Ministry of Economy and Territorial Development of the Sverdlovsk Region, member of the Board of Directors of enterprises and organizations of the city of Yekaterinburg, auditor of the Sverdlovsk branch of the "Assembly of Peoples" Russia", member of the public council at the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Sverdlovsk region, member of the Public Council at the Main Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the Sverdlovsk region, graduate student of USUE. RF, Ekaterinburg
Vaulin Andrey SergeevichDeputy General Director for Economics and Finance of JSC "PA "Ural Optical-Mechanical Plant" named after E.S. Yalamov", Member of the SROO VEO of Russia, graduate student of USUE. RF, Ekaterinburg
Brovko Natalya AnatolevnaDean of the Faculty of Economics of the Kurguz-Russian Slavic University named after B.N. Yeltsin, Doctor of Economics, Professor Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek
Kakhabidze Ekaterina LvovnaAssociate Professor of the Department of Linguistics, Translation and International Communication, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Regional Studies, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosova, chief analyst of the Center for the Development of Teacher Education of the Russian Academy of Education, Ph.D. RF, Moscow
Kuznetsova Alfiya RashitovnaVice-President of the Bashkortostan branch of the VEO of Russia, Head of the department for the preparation of scientific journals of the State Budgetary Institution "Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan", Doctor of Economics. RF, Ufa
Zakolyukina Ekaterina SergeevnaHead of the Customer Service Department of Lucky Motors CJSC, graduate student of USUE, member of the SROO VEO of Russia. RF, Ekaterinburg
Baykin Aidar KosymovichHead of the Department of Accounting and Management NAO Kostanay Regional University named after Akhmet Baitursynuly, PhD, Acting Associate Professor. Republic of Kazakhstan, Kostanay
Antonyuk Valentina SergeevnaMember of the Board of the SROO VEO of Russia, Head of the Department of Economic Theory, Regional Economics, State and Municipal Administration of the Higher School of Economics and Management of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "SUSU (NRU)", Doctor of Economics, Professor. RF. Chelyabinsk
Urasova Anna AlexandrovnaMember of the Board of the SROO VEO of Russia, Director of the Perm branch of the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Economics. RF, Perm


Pyankova Svetlana Grigorievna
Scientific director of the competition,Doctor of Economics, deputy head of the Scientific and Educational Center “Noonomy”, deputy head of the Sverdlovsk regional public organization of the Free Economic Society of Russia, professor of the department of regional, municipal economics and management of the Ural State Economic University, Advisor to the State Civil Service of the Sverdlovsk Region
Заколюкина Екатерина Сергеевна
postgraduate student of USUE, member of SROO VEO of Russia