International Competition of Research Papers by Young Scientists and Students «Corporate Governance, Business Sustainability (ESG) and Development Projects»

Tkachenko Irina Nikolaevna Scientific director of the competition, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Corporate Economics and Business Management

The International Competition of Research Works by Young Scientists and Students on the topic of "Corporate Governance, Business Sustainability (ESG), and Development Projects" will be held by the Ural State University of Economics (USUE), with the support of the NP Elite Club for Corporate Governance, the ANO Center for the Evaluation and Development of Project Management, the Ministry of Industry and Science of the Sverdlovsk Region, the Ministry of Economic Development and Territorial Planning of the Sverdlovsk Oblast, the Sverdlovsk Regional Association of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, and the Ural Branch of the Free Economic Association of Russia.

The aim of the competition is to develop managerial and research skills in the fields of corporate governance, sustainable development, and project management among young professionals who are future business leaders. The goal is to promote civilized norms of corporate conduct, ESG (environmental, social, and governance) practices, and effective collaboration between the government, business, and society. The competition also aims to enhance the quality of training for qualified personnel, increase the interest of young researchers and students in their field, identify talented individuals, and build human resources for various sectors such as research, administration, industry, and entrepreneurship.

The participants in the competition are students, undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, and young professionals from universities and academic institutions in Russia and abroad, as well as representatives of other interested organizations between the ages of 18 and 35.

Research papers submitted for the competition can be from individual participants or groups of up to three people.

Research papers and projects will be submitted for the competition in the following categories:

  1. The Best Research Project on Corporate Governance and Sustainable Development (ESG)
  2. The best research project in the field of project management
  3. Best research project on corporate finance and investments

Priority will be given to research works in the above-mentioned areas that are relevant to the theme of the XV Eurasian Economic Youth Forum. Applications for participation, competitive works, and abstracts will be submitted through the registration system on the website by March 20, 2025. The finalists will be announced on April 1st, 2025 on the competition website.

The face-to-face defence will take place on 23 April 2025, from 10:10 am.m. to 3:30 p.m., with awards on 24 April 2025.

Participants in the competition may also participate remotely. Registered participants, experts and speakers will have access to USUE's cloud resources based on the CounterSense platform and will be able to connect to interactive sessions as part of events through teams created within CounterSense.

Winners and prize-winners of the competition will be awarded with certificates, orders and monetary prizes:

  • 15,000 roubles for first place
  • 10,000 roubles for second place
  • 5,000 roubles for third place

Winners of the competition awarded with a diploma of the first degree will receive points for their individual achievements when applying for master's programmes at USUE (5 points).

Following the outcomes of the final event, it is planned to publish a collection of abstracts from the finalists of the competition, which will be indexed in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) and posted on the websites of the Ural State University of Economics.



Ramenskaya Lyudmila Aleksandrovna
Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Corporate Economics and Business Management
Kudin Larisa Sharifyanovna
Associate Professor of the Department of Corporate Economics and Business Management, Professor, Doctor of Economics