The International Online Olympiad on «Economic Security through the Eyes of Youth: World and Russian Experience»

Efimova Elena Georgievna Scientific Director of the online Olympiad

The International Online Olympiad "Economic Security Through the Eyes of Young People: World and Russian Experiences" is organized by the Ural State University of Economics (USUE) as part of the Congress of Economists and Financial Experts of the EEYF.

The aim of the Olympiad is to develop managerial and research skills in the field of economic security among young economists, with a focus on enhancing the theoretical and practical importance of socio-economic security as an integral part of Russia's national security. It also aims to ensure the economic security of the country, its regions, and municipalities, as well as economic entities, and address economic issues related to food security and economic security in the global context.

The participants of the Olympiad are college, vocational school, and university students, as well as young researchers and academics from Russia and other CIS countries, between the ages of 18 and 35.

Individual participation in the online format of the Olympiad is encouraged. 

The Olympiad is dedicated to issues in the field of economic security at all levels of territories, as well as the structural transformation of global economic relations that have taken place in recent years and political instability.

Applications for participation in the Olympiad can be submitted until March 20th, 2025 via the registration system on the EEYF website.

The list of winners and prize recipients of the online Olympiad will be published on the official Olympiad website. 

The Olympiad finals will be held remotely on the main day of competition at the Forum on 23 April 2025, in the form of an online test conducted by participants on a dedicated Olympiad platform. The email address of the participant, provided during registration on the EEYF platform, will be sent in advance to their dedicated website, with instructions for completing the tasks.

On the day of the main competition at the forum, access to the test will be opened. Participants will have 45 minutes to complete the test, which consists of 30 questions. There will be one attempt to complete the test.

Based on the results of the test, the winners and prize winners of the Olympiad will be determined in the overall rankings, taking the first, second, and third places, respectively, based on the number of points earned.

The awards ceremony for the winners and prize-winning participants of the online Olympiad will take place on 24 April 2025 between 12:30 and 14:00, simultaneously at the USUE venue via video conference. 

Awards of diplomas, orders and awards of prizes:

  • for 1 place – 15 000 rub.
  • for 2 place – 10 000 rub.
  • for 3 Place-5 000 rub. 

The winner of the Olympiad, awarded with a Diploma of the 1st degree, is awarded points for individual achievements when applying to study at USUE for master's degree programs – 2 points and bachelor's degree (accelerated learning according to individual curricula – graduates of colleges, technical schools) – 5 points.



Efimova Elena Georgieva
Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Regional, Municipal Economics and Management of USUE