The Creative Economy: A Competition for Research Projects in English and Russian
Falchenko Oksana Dmitrievna Scientific director of the competition
The CREATIVE ECONOMY Presentation Competition for research projects in English and Russian is held by Ural State University of Economics (USUE)
The aim of the competition is to enhance interest in economic and social research within the field of creative economy, stimulate the development of analytical and critical thinking abilities, research skills, and unlock the potential of participants through the presentation and defence of scientific projects.
The Competition is open to school students, college students, technical school students, university students, graduate students and young researchers from Russia and the CIS countries, aged 18-35, as well as to employees of other organizations.
Research papers may be submitted by groups or individual authors for the Competition.
Research papers (presentations) submitted to the competition cover the following areas:
- "Environmental and green technologies"
- "Education and training"
- "Economics and business"
- "Law and compliance"
Applications for participation in the competition and submissions of competitive works are accepted until March 30, 2025 via the registration system on the website.
The list of finalists who have been invited to present their works at the full-day defense and participate in the closing events of the forum will be published from April 1st to 10th, 2025 on the competition website.
Face-to-face presentations will take place from 10:00 to 12:30 on April 21st, 2025, and the awards ceremony will be held from 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm on April 24th, 2025.
Winners and prize winners of the competition will be awarded with certificates, medals, and monetary prizes:
- For first place, a prize of 15,000 rubles will be awarded.
- For second place, a prize of 10,000 rubles will be given.
- Third place will receive a prize of 5,000 rubles.
The winners of the competition, who were awarded a Diploma of 1st degree, will be awarded points for their individual achievements when applying to USUE for a master's program - 2 points, and for bachelor's programs (graduates from general education institutions, graduates from colleges, technical schools) - 5 points.