Research competition «DeFi as challenges to the new financial model»

Maramygin Maxim Sergeevich Director of the Institute of Strategic Planning and Financial Analysis, Professor of the Department of Finance, Monetary Circulation and Credit, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Yuzvovich Larisa IvanovnaDirector of the Institute of Strategic Planning and Financial Analysis, Professor of the Department of Finance, Monetary Circulation and Credit, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor


The competition of scientific and practical works “DeFi as challenges to the new financial model” ( hereinafter referred to as the Competition ) is held by the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Ural State University of Economics” (Ural State University of Economics) together with representatives of the regional financial market.

The competition is held in the form of youth competitions by creative application of their knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of banking, monetary regulation of the economy and the financial market within the framework of the XIV Eurasian Economic Youth Forum “Russia – Eurasia – World. Integration – Development – Perspective” ( hereinafter – Forum ) .

The purpose of the competition is scientific research and practice-oriented projects in the field of decentralized finance using tools, digitalization platforms in the financial and credit sector and in the financial market as a whole, attracting the attention of young people to new ideas, proposals and forecasts in the field of development of monetary, credit, banking and monetary sphere, to dialogue between countries and peoples on the assessment and promotion of new models, products, technologies and tools, based on historical experience and modern developments.

Competition objectives:

  • provide a study of different approaches to the interpretation of the role and place of regulatory authorities, business entities, the population and financial market participants in different countries;
  • explore current DeFi trends as challenges: a new financial model.

The competition is held in two independent sections, corresponding to 2 nominations:

  • 1 nomination: Research work (Section 1).
  • Nomination 2: Scientific and practical project (Section 2). 

Completed works performed individually or collectively (by a team of up to three people) are submitted to the Competition. 

Applications for participation in the Competition, competition works and abstracts of work must be submitted until March 20, 2024 through the site's registration system.

Lists of finalists of each section of the Competition, invited to defend their works in person and to participate in the final events of the Forum, will be published on the Competition page from April 1 to April 10, 2024.

In-person defense will take place on April 24, 2024 from 10:30 to 12:30, awarding on April 25, 2024 from 15:00 to 16:00

Winners and prize-winners in each section of the Competition are awarded diplomas, orders and cash prizes:

  • 15,000 rubles - for 1st place
  • 10,000 rubles - for 2nd place
  • 5,000 rubles - for 3rd place

The winners of the Competition, awarded a 1st degree Diploma, are awarded points for individual achievements when admitted to study at USUE in master's programs (2 points).

As part of this competition, special nominations for scientific and practical works from the employer and representatives of the regional financial market are being introduced.

Based on the results of the final events, it is planned to release materials from the XIV EEFM, where the abstracts of the Competition finalists will be posted. The collection will be posted in the RSCI, on the website of the Ural State University of Economics and on the EEFM website.

The best scientific and practical works that were not included in the finals of the Competition will be recommended by the Expert Commission of the Competition for publication in the journal “Digital Models and Solutions” 



Prokofieva Elena Nikolaevna
Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Finance, Monetary Circulation and Credit